Traeger Recipe - Sweet Potato Casserole Traeger Wood Pellet Grills

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Baked Sweet Potato Casserole with
Marshmal­low Fluff

  • Difficulty2/5
  • Prep time10 mins
  • Cook time90 mins
  • Serves6 – 8
  • HardwoodPecan

Sweet potato casserole like never before. This creamy, sugary and buttery sweet potato casserole is topped with a sweet, homemade marshmallow fluff and baked over pecan for some well-rounded wood-fired flavor.


Sweet Potato Casserole:

  • 3 lb sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup dark brown sugar, packed
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 stick butter
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt

Marshmallow Fluff:

  • 3 egg whites
  • 2/3 CUP brown sugar, packed
  • Pinch salt
  • Pinch cinnamon


When ready to cook, start the Traeger grill on Smoke with the lid open until the fire is established (4 to 5 minutes). Set the temperature to 375 degrees F and preheat, lid closed, for 10 to 15 minutes.

Rinse, dry and pierce the sweet potatoes and place in grill whole. Cook for 45 minutes or until fork tender. Remove from grill and peel.

Once peeled, mash the sweet potatoes in a large bowl with the milk, brown sugar, eggs, butter and salt. Place mashed potatoes in a baking dish and cook for 35 minutes.

While the potatoes bake, make the fluff. Make a double boiler by bringing a small pot of water to a simmer, then placing the bowl of your stand mixer or another large stainless steel bowl atop the water.

Add the 3 egg whites, 2/3 cup brown sugar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of cinnamon to the bowl and whisk continuously until the sugar dissolves and the liquid is warm to the touch.

Transfer the bowl from the stovetop to your stand mixer and use the whisk attachment to whip the whites on medium-high speed until it turns glossy with stiff peaks, about 5-8 minutes.

Once the casserole has finished baking, use a rubber spatula to cover the sweet potato mixture with the fluff. Use the back of the spatula to create dramatic peaks.

Return to the grill for 5-7 minutes, or until the fluff starts to turn golden and the peaks are just shy of burnt. Remove from grill and enjoy!

Access this, and over a thousand other Traeger recipes on the Traeger App.

BBQ Concepts Ultimate Holiday Cooking Class Poster

Sign-up For Our Exclusive Class – The Ultimate Holiday Grilling Class on Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

Are you ready for the next BBQ Concepts grilling & cooking class? We just scheduled our next class on Tuesday, November 21st, 2017. This holiday inspired class will run from 6PM-8PM. The new class revolves around holiday meals and will be instructed by none other than Chef Phillip Dell. Tickets are limited; we only have room for ten individuals. If we receive enough participation, we’ll go ahead and schedule an additional class on Wednesday night. Make sure to RSVP through the link below. We can’t wait to see you there!

The exciting part of this upcoming grilling class is the fact that Almo is bringing out their “Outdoor Kitchen Expedition” trailer. This trailer is filled to the brim with Alfresco – Open Air Culinary System components (Alfresco is a leading manufacturer of outdoor barbecue grills & cooking components). All class attendees will get the chance to learn and grill on Alfresco’s state-of-the-art equipment.

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